Getting started with film wisdom: Webinar series

Getting started with film literacy is a webinar series for teachers and cultural educators that aims to familiarize them with film, film language and film education so that they can take this knowledge with them to the classroom or to film-related activities in their spare time.

The eight episodes highlight the building blocks of film, but also touch on film history, film genres and the power and impact of film.

The eight episodes can be viewed in any order:

  1. Fact or fiction: about documentary, fiction and animation
  2. The moral of the story: about the theme
  3. Exciting stories: about narrative structures
  4. Tight frames: about camera management
  5. Colored light: about light and color
  6. Wasted time: about editing
  7. Smart tricks: about effects in film
  8. Ears pricked: about sound in film


Screenplay and editing: Harm Dens
Presentation: Jonas De Bruyn
Camera and editing: Adam Dens
Production: Everything visually
With thanks to: Marjolein Fransen and Greet Stevens

This webinar series is an initiative of the Flemish Audiovisual Fund / Public Department, in the context of the Film Literacy Working Group.

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