LEJO vzw: Website

Quite a few young people find it very difficult to find their way in our increasingly individualized society. LEJO wants to offer an answer to this for young people from the age of 12 by going out with these young people. Guiding young people through a thorough experience-oriented and process-oriented approach is our trademark.

Basic faith.

LEJO starts from a fundamental belief in every young person. It is possible for us that young people lose the pedals or lose their direction. Helping these young people to find their own way is what LEJO has built up years of expertise in. We do this by placing signposts in the maze and not by drawing a motorway through the maze.

Familiar environment.

LEJO invests in a relationship and environment that the young person perceives as safe enough to leave familiar patterns and to experiment with new behavior. Working on these favorable conditions forms the basis of our guidance.

On the road together.

From a “real” relationship on the road together with the young person. This relationship is based on a mutual trust in which the counselor holds up a mirror to the young person and always offers new openings. Each supervisor directs and monitors the process from an actively involved supervisor attitude.

Expertise in evolution.

LEJO invests in continuous training of its employees in order to put this experience-oriented and process-oriented approach into practice in the best possible way. An expertise that we further develop and substantiate in collaboration with “outward bound school”.

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